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Thank you for your interest in the Roman Catholic parish of

Our Lady of Lourdes Queen of Peace, Rottingdean 

and St. Patrick's, Woodingdean.

Eastfield, Steyning Road, Rottingdean BN2 7GA Tel: 01273 302903

Parish Office Email:  

The Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton

Diocesan Trust Registered Charity No.252878



Priest: Fr Stephen Hardaker

Deacon: Rev Bernard Hill 07505 460888

Also resident: Canon Daithi Foley





 We are still following the Bishop of England and Wales' protocol with regards to covid measures.  Updated guidelines on our COVID page. 




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Eucharistic Healing Service Sunday 6th April 3pm – 4.15pm

St Mary Magdalen, Upper North Street, Brighton BN1 3FH

(parking available on school playground off Spring Street)

A time of prayer, reflection and music.

Praying for the healing of our families, for those we know in need and for ourselves.

All welcome.


Our parish is currently under attack from a fraudster.  This has happened in the past with previous priests.  The fraudster impersonates the parish priest and asks for money or vouchers.  Priests in the Diocese never ask for money or vouchers from parishioners.  This fraud has been reported to the police.  If you have any information or received any suspicious emails from the Parish, please contact the police directly.  Always make sure if you receive an email from either the Parish priest or the Parish office it is from the diocesan email address which is in the newsletter.

 We have now stopped livestreaming the Mass due to this incident to protect the Parish.

Daily readings are available to view on  

MASS ON THE PHONE -   You can listen to the celebration each SUNDAY at 12 Noon by ringing St. Mary’s Cathedral, Middlesborough on 01642 130120


St Patrick's  -  Sunday 9am Mass

We do ask, if you are feeling unwell for any reason, please do not attend.   



Ministry of Consolation

Every Second Tuesday of the month

10am OLOL Parish Hall

If you are suffering from the loss of someone you have loved, be it recent or historical, then the Ministry of Consolation may be able to help.  There will be no meeting in August but we will return in September.  

Next meetings : Tuesday 08 April 2025 from 10.00 - 12 noon

Newcomers are welcome to join - but once the group is in session, please do not disturb.

Contact Maureen or Mary on  


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Breakfast Club every Thursday morning after 9.30am Mass.


Everyone Welcome​



Why not come along for breakfast, tea/coffee and a friendly chat.

Varied menu - everyone welcome.. 



With the absence of banks in the village, and COVID handling of money - we have joined the Diocese with the contactless donation system called DONA.

There is a stand in the porch of Our Lady of Lourdes Church to receive contactless payments.  Please use the hand sanitiser before using. 

You can select the amount you wish to donate and simply tap your card for contactless giving.

If you are able to gift aid - this will take a couple of minutes initially to encode your details (easy to follow prompts)  and only has to be set up the once.  You are also able to now donate via this link.  Thank you very much.



The Diocese of Arundel & Brighton

Parish Offertory Support

Thank you for considering donating using Gift Aid. If you are a UK tax payer and donate to a charity, the government has a system that allows charities to claim an amount equivalent to the tax that you would have paid on your donation. It doesn't cost you anything and doesn't affect your tax status. The Diocese is a registered charity and Our Lady of Lourdes Church can claim this government funding. For the Parish to be able to claim this, we need to record the amount that has been donated. At the moment you would need to be paying by Standing Order so that we are able to identify and record your donation. (We can record cash donations by completion of a Gift Aid envelope but during Covid19 this is not available). If you are already donating by standing order just complete the Gift Aid form and give it to

Fr Benny or the office. Please do this for your Parish, it doesn’t cost you anything more. The Standing Order form and Gift Aid form are below.

There are different ways you can help support your Parish.

Option 1 Standing Order - A big thank you to everyone who has recently asked to sign up, and for those who continue with their standing order.

Please click on the links below - either for Our Lady of Lourdes Church or St Patrick's, complete and post to Parish Office, Eastfield, Steyning Road, Rottingdean BN2 7GA or hand to Fr Benny to bring to the office - or set up easily on line with a debit card under Option 3... the JustGiving

Gift Aid Declaration

Gift Aid Standing order forms for OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH   or ST PATRICK'S CHURCH

Gift Aid Welcome Letter

Option 2  DONA contactless giving.  Please either use the link  

or use the DONA contactless machine in OLOL Church Porch.  It is possible to set up as Gift Aid and only takes a a minute to do so.

Option 3   JustGiving

Please follow the guidance below:

1. Under Fund - please select where you would like my donation to go to "Our  Lady of Lourdes, Rottingdean" or to "St Patrick's Church, Woodingdean". This will ensure your donation is allocated to the correct parish.

2. Under Frequency - select if a one off donation, or if you wish to set up a regular donation for your offering.

3. Under card - you will need to enter your card details. Please remember if setting up a monthly offering, you need to keep your card details up to date. Thank you.

Your details will be kept private and confidential. We comply with data protection regulation and the fundraising regulator code of practice. We will never sell your data to third parties. We will use your details to administer your gifts, occasionally send you news on the work of the Church, and give you the opportunity to support appeals. You can read our full privacy policy:

Thank you for your generosity of heart.


Diocese of Arundel and Brighton

ebulletin including podcast from Bishop Richard

Please click on the below link for Diocesan news.  

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