SYNOD 2021-2023
SYNOD 2021-2023
The Participant's Guide for responding to the Synod questions is now available, both attached and at https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/synod .
The Guide offers three sessions to look at the questions and are based on the Synod principles of Mission, Participation and Communion. The sessions include opportunities for prayer and scripture.
There is also a Frequently Asked Questions sheet, also available on the website along with a Junior Synod guide.
On the Diocesan website you will find links to the online feedback form and details of sign-up for the virtual meeting in March when Bishop Richard will present a summary of the Diocesan Response.
Just a reminder that we now have all of December and January to reflect on the Synod questions. We had previously suggested Advent because, with the original timescale, we only had December to respond, but now there is more flexibility.